B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering specialization in Machine Learning

Program Code UI03

Department Computer science and Engg
School University School of ICT

Selection Process GBU-ET

Eligibility 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology / B i o l o g y / T e c h n i c a l V o c a t i o n a l S u b j e c t . Obtained at least 45% marks (40% for SC/ST) in the above subjects taken together.

Duration 4 Year ( 8 Semester)

No of Seats 30

Fee Structure

PROGRAMME Registration Fee (₹)* (NON-REFUNDABLE) Security Fee (₹)* (REFUNDABLE) Library Fee (₹)* Sports Fee (₹)* Examination Fee (₹) (Per Sem) Academic Fee (₹) (Per Sem) Total Fee (₹)
(1st Sem)
Total Fee (₹)
(2nd Sem #)
UIE1 10000 10000 1200 700 1000 135000 157900 135000

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